It was a good thing that we did because traffic was horrible. Four out of six lanes were closed. It was a mess.
Since we got to the Aquarium soon after it opened, we actually got to see some fish and some divers. Normally, there are so many people that you can't really enjoy the visit. As we were leaving, the people were piling in. Here is a picture of a whale shark. I think there are five of them now.
These were strange fish. They acted as if they couldn't figure out that there was glass in the tank and they couldn't swim through it.
However, the strangest fish in my opinion was the Elvis fish. Oh, I don't know and just don't really care to know it's real name. But don't you think it looks a little like Elvis?
Here's the Beluga whale saying hi.
I love otters and I could watch these sea otters all day. Here's the boy:
He was relaxing in a pool that was a child's sandbox.
Here's the girl otter: She is 8 years old and sucking her fingers to relax herself.
Since the Centennial Olympic Park was just across the street, we explored.Here's a wide view of park.
An up close picture of the statue at park:
I bet Little Miss Emily would have enjoyed playing in the water. Mental note: take stuff so that she can play when we go back to the aquarium.
Here's a statue of a fan. I'm not sure what I think about it. I need to think about it.
Not to long ago, there were Tornadoes to hit where we were walking. You can still see the damage to the buildings:
The Ommi Hotel:
Another building with damage:
I'm glad we were home save and sound that night.
Anyhoo, after we went home, I took a nap and no one woke me up. That was a treat. Later, Hartford and I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie and then we ate Chinese.
Sunday, I cleaned house. Since Hartford is out of town this week, I'll be home alone and I fancy scrap booking rather than chores.
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