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Monday, June 23, 2008

The Journal

Sunday morning, I wrote the following note to Emily:

Dear Emily,

Dad will be out of town this week. Do you want to go to IHop one night?

Under my note she wrote as large as possible the word yes.

Then, I wrote her a note asking her want she was going to get. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know."

I replied, "What? I thought that you always got a pancake!

Again, she shrugged her shoulders. I told her that's OK, just write that she didn't know on the paper. She stated that she had a better idea. A few minutes later she hands me this:

Translation: Have a tea party and play baby dolls.

I softly laughed.

"OK", I thought "this journal may not be working out quite the way that I thought that it would." Don't get me wrong, I love having tea parties and playing baby dolls but I was hoping to get something different each time we wrote to one another.

Later, I found this letter:
Translation: Let's go on the computer and look up arts and crafts.

I replied, "OK, that's a good idea and we will try to have a tea party and play baby dolls too this week."

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