Saturday was busy with a capital B. We started out a little too relaxed. We slept late, played a little, Hartford cooked breakfast, we ate, and we started getting ready for the day. Hartford looked at the clocked and then things became fast paced. We hurried to finish getting ready, packed a cooler with water, packed Emily's swimming backpack, loaded our mattress and box spring in the truck and raced to the Good Will drop off location. Once there we dumped the box spring and mattress because they wouldn't accept them and then dumped some recyclable items into the recycle bins and raced to swimming lessons. Luckily, Emily was only a few minutes late. After swimming lessons we went to the county fair.
The county fair had rides, animals, crafts, ribbons, and food.

Yum! Emily had a corn dog, we all shared a funnel cake, and Hartford and I shared pork rinds and fried pickles. Emily didn't like the pork rinds and refused to taste the fried pickles.
Chucky Cheese went bad and threw Emily in jail.
Once we broke her out of jail, she enjoyed some rides.

And she enjoyed some rides with Dad.

Please notice the look on her face. She does not want to ride the roller coaster. She hates roller coasters. After the ride was over she announced that she does not want to do that ever again.

Lilly and her Mom Kristy came to play too. I suppose that Emily didn't want to be shown up by a someone younger than her so she rode the roller coaster with Lilly several times and just notice the smile on Emily's face. She actually wanted to ride it one more time before we left.

Here are some pictures of them riding other rides together. Luckily, it was pay one price for unlimited rides.

The bad news, it was hot and I got sunburned and since I was wearing sunglasses, I look like a raccoon. I've been endlessly laughed at. Even the cashier at
Wal-Mart laughed at me. I'm sure that it will peel soon. Tanning is not one of those things that I do well. :(
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