I looked forward to our tea party that Emily planned for us and of course playing baby dolls afterwards. Apparently she had it on her mind as well because when I picked her up from the YMCA yesterday, she mentioned that she was glad that I was the one who picked her up so that we could have our tea party. Being the mean parent that I am, I broke the news, "Honey, you'll need to eat dinner and take a bath before we have the tea party." She took the news as obvious and happily agreed.
To be honest, I was a little worried that we were going to run out of time because I went shopping during my lunch break and I wanted her to try on the items. And of course, I wanted to take pictures. When we walked through the door, I was so thankful to see that Hartford had supper on the table. Therefore, things really moved quite nicely. Hartford is a awesome husband and father but I'll save that for another blog. But, I want to mention that he is very understanding that his girls need their time to play dolls. Let's just say that our house wouldn't be pleasant without dolls.
Immediately after supper, I explained to Emily that time was limited and it was going to be hard to get everything done that she had planned for us to do. I asked her if I could make the muffins while she was taking a bath. She agreed only if she could pick out the muffins. She handed me the chocolate muffins with a sly smile. She knows me too well, I dislike chocolate muffins and wouldn't have picked them.
While taking her bath, she decided that it would be best if we invited guest to our party so that we would definitely get to play baby dolls. She is a smart girl.
Emily invites Nikki:

Nikki was America Girl's doll of the year for 2007. My little stinker admitted a couple months ago that she only picked Nikki from the catalog because she liked this outfit. Good Heavens, this outfit wasn't even the outfit that came with the doll. But thanks to Connie, she wasn't disappointed at Christmas. Connie even purchased the cowboy hat for her. By the way Nikki's horse either wears the hat or uses it to carry things in it.
Now, when I play dolls, I play by changing the doll's outfit and giving the doll a new hair do. Occasionally, Emily will allow me to change Nikki's outfit only to make me put this outfit right back on her.
Wherever Nikki is, her no name horse is with her. The poor horse has to carry all of Nikki's pets which at this moment included three dogs and a cat. He got a carrot to eat. The pets got nothing. In my opinion, the lazy pets didn't deserves anything. However, they were very well behaved at the party.

Here's a picture of Emily trying to convince Nikki to eat her muffin. I suppose she doesn't like chocolate muffins either.

Emily finally gives up and eats Nikki's muffin for her.

What is a tea party without tea? A snow cone party.


Double yum! She went back for a second helping.

Just as I was beginning to think the party was ending, Emily announces that it's time for dessert. The parent inside me was thinking that I should stop the party. But since we were having so much fun, I decided to cut her a very small piece of Hartford's Boston Cream birthday pie. She added a few more chocolate chips on her plate just to make sure that she got enough sugar. As she was eating the cake she raved about what a good job that I did on the cake. Finally, I looked at her and said, "Honey, you know I didn't make it, don't you?" She answered, "I know Mom, you don't cook, but you did an awesome job picking it out and buying it!" I thought to myself, "Well, yes I did and I am very proud of myself and I think that one day soon I must do it again because I love the praise."

After eating a good supper, and her muffin, Nikki's muffin, the horse's carrot, two snow cones and dessert, she announces that she is hungry and wants a banana. She normally doesn't eat this much, she is in the midst of a growing spell, thus the reason for the new clothes. As soon as the banana was gone, the fashion show begins and the sugar hits hard!
First up is the poodle skirt that I purchased from eBay. The little shirt was from Ross for only $4.99. It was a perfect match.

While Emily was eating the banana, I begged her to let me dress Nikki in her poodle skirt. She agreed. Poodle skirts are fun, they twirl wonderfully. At this point in time the sugar is at it's peak and there was a lot of twirling and giggling going on and she made a number of movies.
After killing two sets of batteries and filling up one memory card, I decided to put a stop to the movies. Plus, we had more things to try on and bed time was approaching fast.

This shirt came from Ross for $5.99 or $6.99, I forget which. It is different from anything the is currently in her closet.

This shirt came from The Limited Too. Oh my goodness, the styles and the prices! Luckily, this one had been marked down and had an additional 30% off so I got it for $17 something.

Here's another shirt from The Limit Too. It was on sale $9.99. I thought that it looked very first grader-ish. Plus, Emily is so into hearts and rainbows. Plus, she adores pockets.

This is yet another Limited Too shirt. This one is my favorite and it is Emily's least favorite. This doesn't surprise either of us. We just giggle about it and I pray silently that we will still be able to giggle a little during her teenage years.

After all this activity, she still had time to find her pajamas in the pile of clothes, take her allergy medicine and gummy vitamins, brush her teeth, and listen to me read a book before it was time to say our prayers and turn off the lights at 8:45.
I really enjoyed our evening together, but I have to admit, it wore me out.