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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Truth from a child's book #1

The Perfect Bear by Gillian Shields & Gary Blythe:

The old pink rabbit looked down and asked kindly, "What's the matter, Bear?"

"I want all my finery back," cried the bear, "so that everyone will admire me."

"It's so much better to be loved than admired, you know," said the old pink rabbit.

"What is love?" asked the bear.

"It's what we're all about, little silly," laughed the old pink rabbit. "Hats and fur and keys don't matter. They're only on the outside. It's what's inside us that's important."

There are more times than not that I look in the mirror and wish that I had my finery back. I wished that I still had my youthful figure. I wished that I still had a smooth tan skin. I wish my hair was still the color that it was before the need to dye it. I wished that I wore those beautiful stylish clothes that I used to wear. I wished that my feet could still fit into those cute little shoes that they used to fit into before Emily came along. I miss the admiration.

But alas, I have love. Emily hugs me tight many times day. She often and freely tells that she loves me. Saturday mornings are the absolute best when I have Hartford on my left side and Emily is on my right side and Missy cat is curled up on my belly. I wouldn't trade this love and affection for all the admiration in the world.

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