She loves these toe socks because she and her cousin Stephanie can be sisters.
I've left these item downstairs and she plays with them nearly every day. If she happens to start to get bored, she sits down and play with these. She has moved some to the bathroom so that she can play with them in the tub. She asked this morning (January 14th) if she could take some to school to show her friends. I told her to ask the teacher. I didn't want to be the bad guy to say no but I did warn her that the answer will be no.I love that Emily is still into dressing up. I think this is a funny picture of Hartford sleeping in the background.
Our frig has a mirror on it. It has entertained Emily from the very beginning and it still does.
Emily loves, loves, loves stuffed animals and Santa knew it.
We started giving Emily a dollar allowance several months ago. One day, I suggested that she could buy Christmas presents. She loved the idea and I took her to the Dollar Store one afternoon. She purchased an angel for me, a mini bowling kit for Hartford and this crown and earrings for herself. Not only did she wrap mine and Hartford's presents, she also wrapped her present to herself as well. I tried to explain that she could go ahead and play with her items, but she insisted that they were for Christmas.
Unfortunately, she learned a hard lesson with these items. Items from the dollar store don't always last very long. In fifteen minutes the crown and the earrings had broken. Ah, but what a glamorous fifteen minutes they were. Christmas wouldn't be special without a tea party. Notice the new Bitty Baby picnic basket that Emily is holding. She made it special by putting stickers on it. That child loves stickers.
This picture cracks me up. It could be the toe socks.
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