January 16, 2011
Hey Folks,
It turns out that my name is Rascal. The grown-ups and Emily say that I am a rascal. Seriously, I have no idea what they mean. I mean so what if I like to explore what's in the kitchen trash can from time to time, it doesn't make me a rascal does it?
My buddy's name is Daisy. The grown-ups and Emily say that she is a delicate flower. Seriously, I have no idea where that is coming from either. Have they not seen how sneaky she is when she pounces my tail. She carries a punch in her pounce, “ouch”. A delicate flower, I think not, but maybe a punch out petunia.
Do you want to know a secret? The grown-ups and Emily don't know that we know our names. They have this silly idea that we should come when they call us. No way, that is never going to happen. Plus, they are trying to teach us our names by giving us edible treats. Daisy and I know that we have a good thing going.
Oh good golly day, I sense Daisy is nearby and she is getting ready to pounce my tail so I better go and pounce her first. Oh the joy of pouncing!
Until next time,
Rascal, one of the kittens
P.S. I hope there is something good in the trash can tonight.